Supreme Grounding

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Grounding is a process of direct contact with the earth, bringing balance and harmony to your physical and subtle bodies. This practice helps you to be more fulfilled in life, feeling more comfortable and peaceful. Grounding is your path to wholeness and sustainability.

Why is grounding important?

Energies from the cosmos and Earth flow through us, and we serve as channels for their movement. If we are not grounded, the energy flowing through our body can become unmanageable and create discomfort. Proper grounding helps to:

  • Balance energy flows: Upward and downward energy flows run along our central column, parallel to the spine. Grounding improves the quality of these flows, making them free and efficient;
  • Avoid energy overload: With grounding, you receive exactly as much energy as you need without overloading your system;
  • Deal with energy overload: After practices or sessions, when a strong flow of energy opens up, grounding helps you to maintain concentration and harmonize your state;
  • Gain emotional and spiritual stability: Earthing harmonizes your emotional and spiritual state, making you more stable in social interactions.


Our product offers an automated Tree Qigong exercise that promotes mind centering and structural alignment of the skeleton. This allows you to remove any blockages and open the Yongquan point to the free flow of energy. Imagine putting down roots, connecting to the earth and gaining stability. The power of the mind directs energy into the feet, creating a strong connection to the earth and allowing the free flow of energy through your body.

The Power of the Planet

Connect with mother earth and tap into the collective consciousness of all trees to gain knowledge and wisdom. Schumann Resonance, whose frequency matches the alpha rhythm of the brain, helps you achieve harmony and activate restorative processes. Tuning into thunderstorms and negative ions helps maintain healthy cellular tension levels, improving your well-being and cognitive abilities.

Enhanced Healing

The automatic grounding program includes walking barefoot and hugging trees, enriching your body with oxygen and nutrients. The power of the Earth element focuses on healing the nervous system, and Flower of Life helps to restore and balance it.

Energy System

“Earthing” strengthens the root chakra, integrating all polarities, and directs energy from the feet up through the lower chakras into the lower dantian. Intelligent energy distribution with Acu-Automaton helps you maintain balance and harmony in all aspects of life.

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Last updated Jun 12, 2024

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Supreme Grounding

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