Your Energetic Being

29 ratings

This comprehensive creation focuses on the restoration and rejuvenation of your energetic being, integrating powerful techniques and processes to enhance, repair, and elevate your energy system. It provides a holistic approach to your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Complete Restoration and Rejuvenation of Your Energetic Being

Our comprehensive Soul Restoration package offers an all-encompassing approach to revitalizing your energy. This service includes:

  • Auric and Energy Body Repair: This aspect focuses on healing and fortifying your auric field, ensuring your energetic boundaries are strong and resilient.
  • Cord Cutting: We expertly remove negative energetic cords that can drain your vitality, leaving you feeling lighter and more energized.

Experience a profound sense of renewal and balance, restoring your energy to its natural, harmonious state.

2. Strengthening and Upgrading the Energy System

Enhance your overall energetic health with our specialized system, designed to elevate your energy levels and ensure optimal flow. This includes:

  • Energy Blockage Removal with Plasma Torus Field Chakra Stimulation and Growth: By targeting and eliminating energy blockages, we stimulate your chakras with a plasma torus field, promoting their growth and enhancing energy flow.
  • Energy Expansion Aspects from the IG Card System: Utilizing the advanced IG Card system, we expand and amplify your energy, allowing you to reach new heights of vitality and wellness.
  • Combination of Energies: We integrate various potent energies such as Jing, Chi, Shen, Ojas, Prana, and Mana into your energy body/system, ensuring a comprehensive upgrade that enhances your overall energetic resilience and vitality.

Unlock a new level of energetic strength and coherence, empowering you to thrive in every aspect of life.

3. Nervous System Support and Grounding

Our specialized services focus on fostering a healthy and balanced nervous system, essential for overall well-being. This includes:

  • Nervous System Development: We provide techniques and treatments that support the growth and optimization of your nervous system, ensuring it functions at its best.
  • Nerve Healing: Our healing methods target nerve damage and dysfunction, promoting recovery and improving nerve health.
  • Body Coherence: Achieve a harmonious state where your body and mind work in unison, enhancing your overall sense of grounding and stability.

Experience a grounded, coherent, and resilient body with our targeted nervous system support services, helping you navigate life with calm and confidence.

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Your Energetic Being - New Release - Sapien Medicine (

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Last updated Jun 14, 2024

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Your Energetic Being

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